Introduction to Quarkus - Learn Quarkus Part 1

Introduction to Quarkus - Learn Quarkus Part 1

In an era where cloud-native development popularity is increasing, Java developers seek tools and frameworks that align with modern demands. Enter Quarkus: a Kubernetes-native Java stack tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, designed to empower applications with faster boot times and lower memory utilization. This introductory article lays the foundation for understanding Quarkus, its advantages, and how it fits into the cloud-native landscape, as well as guiding you through setting up a development environment.

Why Quarkus?

Quarkus is being considered as a revolutionary step in the evolution of Java frameworks. It addresses the limitations of Java in containerized environments by offering a rapid development platform optimized for both traditional JVMs and ahead-of-time compiled applications using GraalVM. Here are the primary reasons why developers are turning to Quarkus:

  • Container First: Quarkus is designed with containers in mind, offering a small memory footprint and a fast startup time, which are essential for microservices and serverless applications.
  • Unifies Imperative and Reactive: It bridges the gap between imperative code and reactive systems, providing a seamless development model that can leverage both paradigms.
  • Developer Joy: Quarkus introduces an innovative live reload feature, which means changes in the application are instantly loaded without the need for a server restart, greatly enhancing developer productivity.
  • Ecosystem and Standards: It integrates seamlessly with popular Java standards, frameworks, and libraries, meaning that you can continue using the tools you are familiar with.
  • Native Compilation: With the integration of GraalVM, you can compile Java code ahead-of-time into a native executable, which significantly reduces the startup time and memory footprint of your application.

Understanding the Cloud-Native Paradigm

Cloud-native is a term that has become central to the modern software development lexicon. It is a set of practices that harnesses the advantages of the cloud computing delivery model. Cloud-native applications are designed to embrace rapid change, large-scale, and resilience, achieved through microservices architectures, containerization, continuous delivery, and DevOps practices.

Quarkus, as a cloud-native Java framework, fits perfectly into this paradigm. It enables Java applications to be scaled up and down in a cloud environment effortlessly. The traditional heavyweight Java applications are now transformed into lightweight, modular, and scalable services that can easily be deployed in a cloud environment like Kubernetes.

Setting Up a Development Environment for Quarkus

To get started with Quarkus, you need to have the following installed on your machine:

  • Java SDK: Quarkus supports Java 11 or higher. You can download the appropriate Java SDK for your operating system from the AdoptOpenJDK or Oracle website.
  • Maven or Gradle: These are build automation tools used to manage dependencies and build your Quarkus application. Make sure you have Maven 3.6.2+ or Gradle 6.8+ installed.
  • Your Favorite IDE: While you can use any IDE or text editor, some like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or VS Code have dedicated Quarkus plugins that provide additional support for the framework.

Once your environment is set up, you can create your first Quarkus project by running the following command using Maven:

mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.11.3.Final:create \
    -DprojectGroupId=com.codevup \
    -DprojectArtifactId=quarkus-intro-demo \
    -DclassName="com.codevup.quarkus.demo.GreetingResource" \
    -Dextensions="resteasy" \

This command generates a basic Quarkus project with a REST endpoint.


Quarkus is a beacon of innovation in the enterprise Java ecosystem, offering a path to modernizing legacy Java applications and building new ones with cloud-native principles in mind. By providing a development platform that’s native to both Kubernetes and serverless environments, Quarkus is set to redefine what it means to be a Java developer in the cloud era.

In the next article, we will jump into creating your first Quarkus application.

Roberto Founder and Author of Codevup